"Prayer is not something we do to strengthen our relationship with Christ, it is OUR relationship with Christ". - Mark Hart
There is no correct way to pray. When developing a habit of prayer, it is helpful to have a method to fall back on. Use these steps to help direct you.
1. Take a breath.
2. Call to mind that God, who created you and loves you, is with you now (and is always with you).
3. Talk to God about whatever is on your mind and heart. Specifically, share with Him your:
- Thoughts (“God, I’ve been thinking about…”)
- Feelings (“God, I feel so overwhelmed right now…”)
- Desires (“God, I really don’t want to do this…”)
4. Keep sharing until you feel like you have said all that is on your heart.
5. Rest with the Lord. As more things come up, simply tell God about it.
6. Close by saying, “God, thank you for this time and for always being with me.”
7. Close with any memorized prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be).