Working with community members, the Diocese of Phoenix, and numerous professionals, we have developed a conceptual plan that will form a sacred and inviting space to serve students for the next hundred years. The plan includes a beautiful chapel that seats 350, a warm and welcoming student gathering space, a commercial kitchen, numerous offices and meeting spaces, as well as a hall to host meals and events. The artist’s conception of this demonstrates the beauty of this new design:
Spaces are designed so that Bible studies, one-on-one meetings, and teaching events can all take place simultaneously. An efficient commercial kitchen will make it possible to feed many more students. An adoration chapel will provide access to the Lord’s presence 24/7.
With your support and commitment, construction can begin on this amazing Newman Center in 2025. The campaign goal is $25M, and we have already raised over $15M in gifts and pledges. Please make a gift today so that more students can come to know Christ!